Faculty of Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, which is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious engineering institutions of India, was founded by His Holiness Param Guru Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj in 1950 as Dayalbagh Engineering College in response to the country's needs for trained technical manpower. It became a part of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) in the year 1981.The Faculty has held aloft the beacon of knowledge, research and education in the field of engineering throughout its existence. It’s innovative and comprehensive scheme of education aims at excellence but not at the cost of relevance, encourages initiative and creative work, which is inter-disciplinary and which prepares the student for the increasingly techno-oriented society of tomorrow. The mission objective of the value oriented educational system is to evolve a ‘Complete Man’, i.e., a well rounded person whose hallmarks are intellectual strength, emotional maturity, truthfulness, general awareness, devotion to duty, high moral character, simple living, scientific temperament and societal commitment.

Immortal Messages of His Holiness Param Guru Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj, Founder

His Holiness Huzur Mehtaji Maharaj, Himself an eminent engineer and an epitome of values, discipline, economy, who exemplified the motto “Work is Worship” in letter and spirit and who founded Engineering Faculty delivered a stirring inaugural address on the occasion of the opening of the Engineering College on 17TH July 1950:
“Brothers and sisters of Dayalbagh, and new young friends! I bow in gratitude before the Supreme Father at your having assembled here at the invitation of the Principal, Engineering College. Monday is regarded as an auspicious day in the Satsang circle. Muslim brothers will also say the same thing about today, in particular, for is it not their happy Id-ul-Fitr? I am particularly grateful to you, young friends, for your having given preference to this new Engineering College over other and old colleges. It was only on May 25th that information was received from His Excellency, the Governor of the United Provinces, the Chancellor of the Agra University, to the effect that he had been pleased to grant permission to start an Engineering College at Dayalbagh. For this we are very grateful to him. We have yet neither any building of its own for the Engineering College, nor have we been able to get together all the equipment required. Whatever equipment could be obtained from Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Masulipatnam, Banaras, Roorkee, Agra and Dayalbagh, is being procured. I heartily thank the Principal and his colleagues for their efforts in this direction………
The utility of a college largely depends upon its workers and students. The workers should not look upon their students merely as sons of others, but should treat them like their own sons and devote themselves wholeheartedly to their betterment. The students in their turn should have proper regard and respect for their teachers, act according to their instructions and take full advantage of their knowledge and experience. In short, you should utilize to your best advantage the opportunities that may be afforded to you during your stay here, because time and opportunities once lost are lost forever. Equip yourself during your stay here so as to be useful for the service of India and humanity at large so that your names may be written in letters of gold in the history of Dayalbagh Engineering College. I trust your Principal and other teachers will keep your interests fully in view and strive constantly for your betterment.”

Our Vision

"To become a top teaching-cum-research Faculty through an exemplary system of education leading to entrepreneurship, innovation, quality and values."

Our Mission

"To create an environment for development of students as total quality persons, endowed with super-consciousness, superintelligence, super-humanity, super-connectivity, sensitivity to values and quality, who will render selfless service in nation building."

Our MoUs' & Collaborators

Our Co-up Training & Placement Partners

Prof. C. Patvardhan

Director to the University

Educational Qualification

• B. Sc. (Engg.) (Mechanical Engg.), M. E. (Com. Sc.), Ph.D.

Area of Specialization

• Soft Computing, Quantum Computing and Image Processing
Prof. C. Patvardhan, is a Professor in Electrical Engineering Department with more than 33 years of experience in teaching and research. He secured IIT JEE AIR 215 and Roorkee AIR 43, he chose to pursue BSc (Engg) from DEI which he completed in 1987. He obtained ME (Comp. Sc. and Engg.) from IISc, Bangalore (1989) and PhD from DEI (1994). He is currently the Head, Electrical Engineering and Dean, Faculty of Engineering. He is also currently serving as Dean, ICT Centre, Bangalore and Dean, ICT Centre, MTV Puram and Dean, PG and Research of the Institute.


Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)
Dayalbagh, Agra 282 005 (UP), India
Tel: 0562-6548399
Email: cpatvardhan@googlemail.com

Prof. C. Patvardhan

Dean to the faculty

Prof. C. Patvardhan has taught several courses including Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Digital Image Processing, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Quantum Computing etc. His research interests include Quantum and Quantum-inspired Algorithms, Image Processing, Intelligent Information Processing, Evolutionary Algorithms etc. He has been a Supervisor / Co-Supervisor of 13 PhDs and several PG Dissertations. He is an author / co-author of more than 300 research papers in Journals and Conferences, one book and a co-editor of two Conference Proceedings. He has completed several R&D projects. He has been a training Consultant to Cadence Design Systems, NOIDA and Atrenta Communications, NOIDA, and a Consultant on Advanced Algorithms to Cadence Design Systems. He has an ongoing collaboration with CAU, Kiel, Germany and was invited for collaborative research work to Kiel in 2001, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2016 and 2019. He was invited to participate in the I Indo-German Round Table on Discrete Algorithms in Bonn in June 2010, meeting of Algorithm Engineering Cluster of Excellence in TU, Dortmund and meeting of Cluster of Excellence in Freiburg, Germany in 2019. He has also visited TU, Berlin and delivered an invited talk in 2013. He was the Guest of Honor in the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Indo-German Society, Karlsruhe in 2009. He has also visited INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France and gave two talks in June, 2010. He has organized three Indo-German meetings in DEI. Professor Patvardhan has won more than 20 Best Presentation / Best Paper awards. Some of these are "Production Engineering Division Medals" of Institution of Engineers (India). "Institution medal" of Institution of Engineers (India) for the year 2001, Certificate of Merit of Institution of Engineers and other Best paper/presentation awards in several conferences. He is Vice-President of Systems Society of India, and a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India), Fellow of United Writers Association of India and Associate Fellow of International Society of Productivity Enhancement. He is a life member of CSI and ISCA. He has been on PRSGs of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Screening Committee member of Quantum Initiative of DST, member of Peer Team for approval of Skill Courses of AICTE etc. He was a member of the Consortium on OCR for Indian Languages created by Rediff.